Database of medieval Anatolian texts and manuscripts in Arabic, Persian and Turkish Current filters Institution (location of manuscript): Chester Beatty Library Remove Author (top 3) Quṭb al-Shīrāzī, Maḥmūd ibn Masʻūd 1236 or 1237-1310 or 1311 (2) Darîr active 14th century (1) Urmawī, Sirāj al-Dīn Maḥmūd ibn Abī Bakr 1198-1283 (1) Main language (top 2) Arabic (3) Turkish (1) Place of composition (top 3) Alexandria (Egypt) (1) Sivas (Turkey) (1) Turkey (1) Collection (location of manuscript) (top 2) - Chester Beatty Library (3) Turkish manuscripts - Chester Beatty Library (1) Geographic subject heading (top 3) Syria (3) Turkey (3) Baghdad (Iraq) (2) Show 19 more Egypt (2) Gīlān (Iran : Province) (2) Iran (2) Khurāsān (Iran) (2) Konya İli (Turkey) (2) Malatya İli (Turkey) (2) Marāghah (Āz̲arbāyjān-i Khāvarī, Iran) (2) Shīrāz (Iran) (2) Sivas (Turkey) (2) Tabrīz (Iran) (2) Aleppo (Syria) (1) Alexandria (Egypt) (1) Cairo (Egypt) (1) Erzurum (Turkey) (1) Karaman (Karaman İli, Turkey) (1) Konya (Turkey) (1) Mosul (Iraq) (1) United Arab Republic (1) Urūmīyah (Iran) (1) Subject heading (top 3) Islamic law (1) Islamic philosophy (1) Medicine, Arab (1) Script used (top 2) (3) Ta'liq (1) Results There were 4 results matching your query. Displaying all of them. al-Tuḥfat al-Sa‘diyah fī al-Ṭibb Author: Quṭb al-Shīrāzī, Maḥmūd ibn Masʻūd, 1236 or 1237-1310 or 1311 Manuscript 3728 (from - Chester Beatty Library, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland) Sharḥ al-Fiqh Author: Quṭb al-Shīrāzī, Maḥmūd ibn Masʻūd, 1236 or 1237-1310 or 1311 Manuscript 3588 (from - Chester Beatty Library, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland) Sīrat al-Nabī Author: Darīr, active 14th century Manuscript 419 (from Turkish manuscripts - Chester Beatty Library, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland) Lubāb al-arba‘īn fī uṣūl al-dīn Author: Urmawī, Sirāj al-Dīn Maḥmūd ibn Abī Bakr, 1198-1283 Manuscript n. 3751 (from - Chester Beatty Library, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland) Search Query In All work fields Work titles Authors Work notes Manuscript classmarks People Places Sort Relevance Titles Classmark Descending Ascending Results 10 hits per page 20 hits per page 50 hits per page 100 hits per page Browse worksTips on searching the database