Aşık Paşa-yı Velî, 1271-1332

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Aşık Paşa-yı Velî, 1271-1332
Biographical notes
ʿĀşıḳ Paşa was the son of Bābā Muḫlis (بابا مخلس) and grandson of famous Bābā’ī (بابائي) leader Bābā İlyās (d.637/1240) (بابا الياس). ʿĀşıḳ Paşa was born in Kırşehir in 670 AH [1272 CE]. He studied with Süleymān-ı Ḳırşehrī (سليمان قرشهري) and afterwards with Şeyḫ ʽOs̱mān (شيخ عثمان), a successor of Bābā İlyās (d.637/1240) (بابا الياس), whose daughter he married. He served as vizier under Tīmūrṭaş Paşa (d. 728/1328) (تيمورطش پاشا), governor of Anatolia. The principal source on his life is Menāḳıbu’l-ḳudsiyye fī menāṣıbu’l-ünsiyye (مناقب القدسية في مناصب الانسية), composed by his son Elvān Çelebi, (d. after 760/1358-59) (الوان چلبی). Famous 15th century [1400-1499 CE] chronicler ʿĀşıḳ Paşa-zāde (d. after 889/ 1484) (عاشق پاشا زاده) is ʿĀşıḳ Paşa's great grandson.
Show variants
  • Aşık Paşa, 1271-1332
  • Ali, 1271-1332
  • عاشق پاشا
  • عاشق پاشا ولي
  • عاشق پاشا, ١٢٧١-١٣٣٢
Manuscripts by this author
A mathnawi consisting of 161 couplets on the concept of faḳr (فقر) (poverty), symbolized by a bird. Upon creating the earth heavens, God asks faḳr (فقر), which He has put in the shape of a beautiful bird, to find a place to perch. The bird travels through the spheres of the sky, the earth and visits several prophets, but does no stop at any of them. It finally perches on prophet Muhammad, who is the true representative of faḳr (فقر).
Kimyā Risālesi
An alchemical work of doubtful attribution.
Some manuscripts of Ġarīb-nāme (غريب نامه) include ġazel (غزل)s by him in the final folios. ʿĀşıḳ Paşa's poetry also appears in a number of mecmū‘a (مجموع)s. Show more
The earliest manuscript including poetry by ʿĀşıḳ Paşa is Casanatense _2054, No:2, dated 861.
Risāle fī beyāni’s-semā‘
A prose work on the concept of semā‘ (سماع), of doubtful attribution. The pen-name of "Āşıḳ (عاشق)" appears in the manuscript. The content is closely related to the third section (dāsitān (داستان)) of the fourth chapter (bāb (باب)) of Ġarīb-nāme (غريب نامه).
Taṣavvūf Risālesi
An abrigded prose version of Ġarīb-nāme (غريب نامه), of doubtful attribution. The name of "Āşıḳ (عاشق)" figures at the end of each section, but the name of "Āşıḳ Paşa (عاشق پاشا)" does not figure in the text. The work begins with the 3rd section (dāsitān (داستان)) of the 3rd chapter (bāb (باب)) of Ġarīb-nāme (غريب نامه) and ends with the 10th section of the 10th chapter.
Vaṣf-ı Ḥāl
A mathnawi consisting of 31 couplets on the concept of ḥāl () (state, the present), stressing the importance of living in the present.
ʿĀşıḳ Paşa's principal work is Ġarīb-nāme (غریب نامه) (composed in 730), sometimes wrongly called Dīvān-ı ʿĀşıḳ Paşa (ديوان عاشق پاشا) or Maʿārif-nāme (معارف نامه). This is a mystical-didactic mathnawi of 12.000 couples. The work begins with a preface in Persian and a long panegyrical introduction. It is divided into then chapters (bāb (باب)), and each chapter into ten courses (dāsitān (داستان)). The work can be described as a collection of moral precepts and counsels illustrated by references to the Qur’an and hadith and followed by the relevant anecdotes. The influence of Mawlānā Jalāl al-Dīn (مولانا جلال الدين)'s Mathnawī (مثنوي) is apparent in Ġarīb-nāme (غریب نامه) as in most contemporary mystical works, but ʿĀşıḳ Paşa's poetry is plain and didactic, lacking the lyrical spirit of both Mawlānā (مولانا) and Yūnus Emre (یونس امره). The numerous copies of Ġarīb-nāme (غریب نامه) witness it s great popularity over the centuries.
A mathnawi consisting of 59 couplets narrating the tale of a Muslim, a Christian and a Jew, in which the Christian and Jew's pretense at religiosity and cleverness results in the loss of their share of halva to the Muslim. Show more
The only known manuscript is in the personal library of Raif Yelkenci, described in Levend, Agāh Sırrı. “Āşık Paşa’nın Bilinmeyen İki Mesnevisi Daha: Hikāye ve Kimya Risalesi.” Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı Belleten. 2 (1954): 265-276.
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