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Ankara Milli Kütüphane
Milli Kütüphane Yazmalar Koleksiyonu
A 2399


Work 1: Dīvān (Yūsuf Ḥaḳīḳī)
LOC subject headings
Sufi poetry, Turkish
Turkish language To 1500
Ghazals, Turkish
Yūsuf Ḥaḳīḳī
يوسف حقيقي
Show other names
ʿİzzeddīn Yūsuf b. Ḥamīdüddīn Aḳsarāyī
Baba Yūsuf
Yūsuf Ḥaḳīḳī Baba
Gül Baba
ﻋﺰﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ يوسف ﺏ ﺣﻤﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ ﺁﻗﺴﺮﺍﻳﻲ
يوسف ﺑﺎﺑﺎ
يوسف حقيقي ﺑﺎﺑﺎ
Yusuf-i Hakîkî, -1487 (authorised)
Hakîkî, Yusuf-i, -1487 (variant)
Yûsuf Hakîkî Baba, -1487 (variant)
Yusuf-i Hakîkî, d. 1487 (variant)
Biographical notes
15th century Sufi poet, Yūsuf Ḥaḳīḳī is the son of Şeyḫ Ḥamīdüddīn Aḳsarāyī (d. 815/1412-13), also known as Ṣomuncu Baba. His grandfather was Şeyḫ Şemseddīn Mūsā-i Ḳayserī. Yūsuf Ḥaḳīḳī’s grandfather was from Kayseri (Turkey) and his father lived in Bursa for some time. We do not know when Yūsuf Ḥaḳīḳī settled down in Aksaray (Turkey). He lived here until his death in 894 AH [1488-1489 CE]. Yūsuf Ḥaḳīḳī’s initiation to Ḥacı Bayram (d.833/1429-30) took place after his father’s death. He was the head of the Melīk Maḥmūd Ġāzī Ḫāngāhı when Aksaray was conquered by the Ottomans in 881 AH [1476-1477 CE].
ﺣﻘﻴﻘﻲ ﻧﺎﻣﻪ
The Dīvān begins with the tevhīd and münācaʿat and contains more than 500 poems on Sufism.
Main language of text
Yusuf Hakiki Baba, . Yusuf Hakiki Baba Divanı: Karşılaştırmalı Metin (Sadi Somuncuoğlu ve Mevlana Müzesi nüshaları.). Edited by Boz, Erdoğan. Aksaray: Aksaray Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü, 2009.
Yusuf Hakiki Baba, . Yusuf Hakîkî Baba Dîvânı’ndan Seçmeler. Edited by Boz, Erdoğan. Aksaray: Aksaray Belediyesi, 2011.
Akgündüz, Ahmet. Arşiv Belgeleri Işığında Şeyh Hamid-i Veli Somuncu Baba ve Neseb-i Âlîsi. İstanbul: Es-Seyyid Osman Hulusi Efendi Vakfı, 1992.
Boz, Erdoğan. "Yûsuf Hakîkî." TDVİA. 442013, , [n.d.]: 10-11.
Boz, Erdoğan. "Hakiki Divanı -Dil İncelemesi, Kısmi Çeviri, Yazılı Metin." Malatya, İnönü Üniversitesi, 1996.
Yusuf Hakîkî Baba, . Mahabbat-name. Edited by Çavuşoğlu, Ali. Ankara: Aksaray Belediyesi, 2009.
Show filiations
Ankara Milli Kütüphane A 3675
Milli Kütüphane 7077
National Library Turkish Manuscripts no. 383
Mevlana Müzesi no. 2430
Maktab al-Zakiyya no. 96
Afyon Gedik Ahmet Paşa İl Halk Kütüphanesi no. 13918
Work 2: Poetry (Kaygusuz Abdal, (active second half of the 14th century - First half of the 15th century))
LOC subject headings
Turkish poetry
Kaygusuz Abdal, (active second half of the 14th century - First half of the 15th century)
قيغوسوز ابدال
Show other names
Ḳayġusuz Abdāl
Kaygusuz Abdal, active 15th century (authorised)
Alâaddin Gaybî, active 15th century (variant)
Alâeddin Gaybî, active 15th century (variant)
Gaybî, active 15th century (variant)
Kaygusuz Abdal, 15th cent (variant)
قيغوسز ابدال (variant)
قيغوسز ابدال،, active 15th century (variant)
قيغوسز ابدل (variant)
Biographical notes
Turkish mystic poet and writer belonging to the dervish group named Abdālān-ı Rūm(ابدالان روم) , who was the first major representetive and the most influential forerunner of the genre which later came to be known as Alevi-Bektashi literature. Information on Ḳayġusuz Abdāl's life relies entirely on the references in his poems as well as the hagiographies of him and his master Abdāl Mūsā. Some scholars consider the name " Ġaybī(غيبي) which figures in his hagioraphy to be his real name. Other scholars, however, assert that this name rather resembles a pen name. His hagiography indicates that he was the son the Bey (Governor) of ‘Alā‘iye which is considered by some scholars as to be the reason for his occasional use of the pen name Sarāyī(سرايي). He served in the dervish lodge of his master Abdāl Mūsā (fl. 14th century) [1300-1399 CE]) which, according to historical documents, was initially located near Finike (Southern Anatolia) and later moved to the village of Tekke in Elmalı (Niğde, Turkey) . After obtaining icāzetnāme(اجازة نامه), Ḳayġusuz Abdāl travelled to Egypt where he found a dervish lodge in his own name. This dervish lodge as well as that of Abdāl Mūsā later became very important Bektashi centers. The references in his poems to place names in the Balkans as well as the existence of a neighborhood and a fountain named Ḳayġusuz in Bitola (Macedonia) have led scholars to believe that Ḳayġusuz either travelled to the Balkans or lived here for some time. His hagiography narrates his pilgrimage to Mecca and the cities he visited on his return, some of which include the sacred places of the Alevi-Bektashi and Shi’îte traditions, such as Kufah (Iraq), Najaf (Iraq) , Karbalāʼ (Iraq). It also gives a detailed account of his meeting with the Egyptian sultan which, in contrast to his other travels, cannot be verified through references in his works. Aḥmed Sırrı Baba(d. 1965 [1965 CE], ), the last shaykh of the Bektashi lodge in Cairo (Egypt), gives specific dates for Ḳayġusuz's travels and death (the date of 848 AH [1444 CE] for the latter), but does not make reference to any written sources. Two traditions exist on Ḳayġusuz's place of death, in parallel with the two distinct branches of his hagiography. According to one of these traditions, Ḳayġusuz died in Egypt and was buried in a cave in the mountain of Moqattam. This tradition is the source of the name ‘Abdullāhu’l-Maġavrī given to him by the people of Egypt. According to the second tradition, he was buried in Abdāl Mūsā dervish lodge in the village of Tekke. However, the fact that Evliyā Çelebī does no mention this tomb in his description of the dervish lodge makes doubtful the references in the kitābe of the tomb, which belongs to a later date. Ḳayġusuz Abdāl is the first poet known to call himself Bektāşī. His relation to Ḥacı Bektāş can be traced through his master Abdāl Mūsā, who was a follower (muḥibb) of Ḥacı Bektāş's spiritual daughter, Ḳadıncıḳ Ana. Abdāl Mūsā is also known for his participation in the conquest of Bursa which according to legend ties him to the Bektashisation of the Janissaries. According to the Bektashi tradition, Ḳayġusuz Abdāl initiated the use of the twelve-gored Qalandarī cap (ṭāc(طاج)). He and his master are nameholders of two of the twelve sheepskin ceremonial seats (pūṣt (پوصت)) in the Bektāshī meydān (ceremonial room), linking them to the duties of naḳīb(ناقيب) and ayaḳçı(اياقچي) in the Bektashi ceremony (cem‘(جمع)). A miniature of Ḳayġusuz Abdāl based on an older copy was painted by Levnī in the 18th century [1700-1799 CE]( TSMK, Albüm, nr. 2164, fol. 22b). Ḳayġusuz Abdāl also used his pen name in the form "Ḳayġusuz", which sometimes leads to the confusion of his poems in the cönk(جونك) and mecmū‘a(مجموعة) with those of a second Ḳayġusuz named Alāeddīn el-Vizevī(علاء الدين الوزوي) who lived in the 16th century [1500-1599 CE] and belonged to the Malāmī(ملامي) movement.
Main language of text
Ergun, Sadettin Nüzhet. Bektaşî Şairleri. İstanbul: Devlet Matbaası, 1930.
Gölpınarlı, Abdülbâkî, ed. Alevî-Bektaşî Nefesleri. İstanbul: İnkılâp Kitabevi, 1992.
Güzel, Abdurrahman, ed. Kaygusuz Abdâl Divânı. Ankara: MEB, 2010.
Öztelli, Cahit, ed. Bektaşî Gülleri: Alevî-Bektaşî Şiirleri Antolojisi. İstanbul: Milliyet Yayınları, 1973.
Show filiations
Ankara Milli Kütüphane A 3675
Milli Kütüphane 7077
National Library Turkish Manuscripts no. 383
Mevlana Müzesi no. 2430
Maktab al-Zakiyya no. 96
Afyon Gedik Ahmet Paşa İl Halk Kütüphanesi no. 13918
Work 3: Eş‘ār (Eşrefoġlı Rūmī)
Eşrefoġlı Rūmī
اشرف اوغلي رومي
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‘Abdullāh b. Aḥmed Eşref
عبدالله ابن احمد اشرف
Eşrefoğlu Rumî, -1469 (authorised)
Abdullah Rumî, Eşrefoğlu, -1469 (variant)
Eşref-i İzniki, -1469 (variant)
Eşref-i Rumi, -1469 (variant)
Eşrefoğlu Abdullah Rumî, -1469 (variant)
Eşrefoğlu Rumî, d. 1469 (variant)
Eşrefzade Abdullah-ı Rûmî, -1469 (variant)
İznikli Eşrefoğlu Rûmî, -1469 (variant)
Piri Sani, -1469 (variant)
Rumî, Eşrefoğlu, -1469 (variant)
اشرف اوغلى رومي (variant)
اشرفاوغلى عبدالله الرومى (variant)
Main language of text
Show filiations
Ankara Milli Kütüphane A 3675
Milli Kütüphane 7077
National Library Turkish Manuscripts no. 383
Mevlana Müzesi no. 2430
Maktab al-Zakiyya no. 96
Afyon Gedik Ahmet Paşa İl Halk Kütüphanesi no. 13918
Work 4: Poetry (Nesimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418)
LOC subject headings
Turkish language To 1500
Love poetry, Turkish
Ghazals, Turkish
Islamic poetry, Turkish
Sufi poetry, Turkish
Sufism (Early works to 1800)
Nesimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418
Show other names
Nesīmī (d. 820/1418 [?])
Seyyid İmādüddīn Nesīmī (d. 820/1417?)
ﺳﻴﺪ ﻋﻤﺎﺩﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ نسيمي
Nesimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (authorised)
Imadăddin Năsimi, approximately 1369-1418 (variant)
Imadeddin Nesimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Nasīmī, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Nasīmī, ʻImād al-Dīn, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Năsimi, Imadăddin, approximately 1369-1418 (variant)
Nasimi, Imadeddin, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Nesimi, ca. 1369-ca. 1418 (variant)
Nesimi, d. 1404 or 5 (variant)
Nesimi, İmadeddin, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Nesimi, Seýit Umadutdin, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Nesimi, Umadutdin, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Seĭid Imadeddin Nesimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Seĭit Ymadeddin Nesimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Seyid İmadeddin Nesimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Seyyid Nesîmî, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Ymadeddin Nesimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Насими, Имадеддин, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
عماد الدين نسيمى (variant)
نسينى (variant)
نسيمي (variant)
نسيمي،, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
نسيمي،, حو. 1369-حو. 1418 (variant)
Sayyid ʻImād al-Dīn Nasīmī Tabrīzī, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
سيد عماد الدين نسيمى تبريزى (variant)
Nasīmī Tabrīzī, Sayyid ʻImād al-Dīn, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Tabrīzī, Sayyid ʻImād al-Dīn Nasīmī, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Seyyid İmadäddin Näsimi, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Näsimi, Seyyid İmadäddin, approximately 1369-approximately 1418 (variant)
Biographical notes
Nesīmī is an early Ottoman poet and mystic, famous for his Ḥurūfī worldview. He is believed to have come from Nesīm, near Baghdād. He was most likely of Turkoman origin, although his title of “Seyyid” also points to Arab blood. About 804 AH [1401 CE] he became a follower of Faḍl Allāh Ḥurūfī (d. 796/1394), whom he personally met, and eventually became his successor. After Faḍl Allāh’s death, he left Azerbaijan for Anatolia. He came to Bursa during the reign of Murād I (761-91/1360-89) and was not well received here. Ḥacı Bayram (d. 833/1430) refused to see him in Ankara. He eventually went to Aleppo, where he was flayed for his heretical views in 820 AH [1417 CE] (other dates are also given in the historical sources). Evliyā Çelebi (d. 1095/1684) mentions a lodge and a tomb for Nesīmī in this city. Nesīmī had Dīvāns in both Persian and Turkish, which he knew equally well, as well as possibly a Dīvān in Arabic which is no longer extant. His Turkish shows the characteristics of the Ādharī dialect. Nesīmī’s poetry focuses on Ḥurūfī teachings, the doctrine of the oneness of being, and the praise of the Twelve Imams. The latter aspect, in addition to his martyrdom, has led to the Alevi adoption of Nesīmī, who consider him as one of their seven great poets. Nesīmī also had an important historical role in the development of classical literature in Turkish, with his extensive use of complex images (maḍmūn).
Main language of text
Ayan, Hüseyin. Nesîmî – Hayatı, Edebî Kişiliği, Eserleri ve Türkçe Divanının Tenkidli Metni I-II. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, 2002.
Burrill, Kathleen R.F.. The Quatrains of Nesimî – Fourteenth-Century Turkic Hurufi. Paris: Mouton, 1972. (with Annotated Translations of the Turkic and Persian Quatrains from Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa MS)
Kürkçüoğlu, Kemâl Edib. Seyyid Nesîmî Dîvânı’ndan Seçmeler. Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, 1985.
Saygı, Saide. "Seyyid Nesimi Divanı." unpublished graduation thesis, Ankara University: 1964-66.
Alparslan, Ali. "Câvidân-nâme’nin Nesîmî’ye Tesiri." unpublished associate professorship dissertation, İstanbul University, 1967.
Ayan, Hüseyin. "Kul Nesîmî’ye Ait Olduğu Sanılan Şiirler." Edebiyat Fakültesi Araştırma Dergisi (EFAD). 6 1974: 21-33.
Babinger, Franz. "Nesīmī." Encyclopaedia of Islam. VIIILeiden: E.J. Brill, 1995: 8-8.
Bilgin, A. Azmi. "Nesīmī." TDVİA. 33, [n.d.]: 3-5.
Gahramanov, Jahangir. Nasimi Divanynyn Leksikasy. Baku: 1970.
Gibb, E.J.W.. History of Ottoman Poetry. London: Luzac & Company, 1900-09.
Gölpınarlı, Abdülbâki. "Nesîmî." İslam Ansiklopedisi. IX, [n.d.]: 206-207.
Gölpınarlı, Abdülbâki. Hurufîlîk Metinleri Kataloğu. Ankara: 1973.
Gölpınarlı, Abdülbâki. Nesîmî, Usûlî, Rûhî. İstanbul: Kapı, 2014.
Hess, M.R.. "Zum Stammbaum Einiger Türkischer Nesîmî-Handschriften." Ar.Ott. XXI 2003: 245-257.
Kocatürk, Vasfi Mahir. Tekke Şiiri Antolojisi. Ankara: Buluş Kitabevi, 1955.
Kuluzade, Mehmet. "Nesimi." In Azerbaycan Edebiyatı Tarihi. Bakü: Azerbaycan SSR İlimler Akademisi Neşriyatı, 1960, 265-265.
Köksal, Fatih. "Seyyid Nesimî’nin Bilinmeyen Tuyuğları." TUBA. XXIV/1 2000: 187-197.
Köprülü, Fuat. "Nesimî’ye Dair." Hayat. I, no. 20 1927.
Ocak, Ahmet Yaşar. Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Marjinal Sûfîlik: Kalenderîler (XIV-XVII. Yüzyıllar). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1992.
Olgun, İbrahim. "Seyyit Nesîmî Üzerine Notlar." TDAY Belleten. 1970: 47-68.
Olgun, İbrahim. "Nesîmî Üzerine Notlar." TDAY Belleten. 1971: 195-207.
Yöntem, Ali Canip. "Seyyid Nesîmî ve Tuyuğları." Güneş. , no. 7 1927.
Zülfe, Ömer. "Nesîmî’nin Tuyuğlarına Ek." Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi. II/4 2005 .
Ünver, Mustafa. Hurûfîlik ve Kuran: Nesîmî Örneği. Ankara: 2003.
Üzüm, İlyas. "Nesīmī–Görüşleri." TDVİA. 33, [n.d.]: 5-6.
Show filiations
Ankara Milli Kütüphane A 3675
Milli Kütüphane 7077
National Library Turkish Manuscripts no. 383
Mevlana Müzesi no. 2430
Maktab al-Zakiyya no. 96
Afyon Gedik Ahmet Paşa İl Halk Kütüphanesi no. 13918

Physical Description

Number of folios
177 ff.
Dimensions of folio
width 13.5cm, height 19.4cm


Date of copy
20th. century
WordPress theme: Kippis 1.15