Fanārī, Muḥammad ibn Ḥamzah, 1350 or 51-1430 or 31
Molla Fenârı̂, 1350 or 1351-1430 or 1431
Muḥammad ibn Ḥamzah ibn Fanārī, 1350 or 1351-1430 or 1431
Şemseddin Muhammed bin Hamza bin Muhammed İbnu'l-Fenârı̂ er-Rumı̂, 1350 or 1351-1430 or 1431
Shams al-Dīn al-Fanārī, 1350 or 1351-1430 or 1431
ʻUthmānī, Muḥammad ibn Ḥamzah, 1350 or 1351-1430 or 1431
فناري، محمد بن حمزة
فناري، محمد بن حمزة،, 1350 or 1351-1430 or 1431
فنري، محمد بن حمزة
Manuscripts by this author
Fuṣūl al-badāʿiʾ fī uṣūl al-sharāyiʿ
This comprehensive work on Hanafi uṣūl
al-fiqh (theoretical jurisprudence) is one of the author’s best known
works. In this work, Fenārī
compares the differences between Hanafi and Shafiʿi law. Fenārī's grandson Muḥyiddīn Meḥmedşāh
(d. 929/1522-3) (محي الدين محمد شاه)
produced a commentary on this work, the Ḥāshiya
Fuṣūl al-badāyiʿ (حاشية فصول البدايع) as
well as an abridgement, the Talkhīṣ al-Fuṣūl wa
tarṣīṣ al-uṣūl (تلخيص الفصول و ترصيص
الاصول). Show more
The place of composition is most likely the Bursa.