Sipahsālār, Farīdūn ibn Aḥmad

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Sipahsālār, Farīdūn ibn Aḥmad
Biographical notes
According to Seyyid Sahih Ahmed Dede, 1742-1813, ( (Dede, Sahih Ahmed. Mevlevîlerin Tarihi. Istanbul: 2003., pp. 148)), he was born in 616 [1219 CE]. The date is unfortunately not possible to be confirmed from other sources. Little is known about his life but the title Sipahsālār was commonly used as a military distinction in the Seljuq court and many followers of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī were distinguished with this title in the 14th and 15th century [1300-1499 CE]. The title denotes that he should have been under the service of the Seljuq court but at some point after the dead of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī , he left his court responsibilities and dedicated himself to serve the still embryonic mevlevi order. Farīdūn ibn Aḥmad Sipahsālār was closely attached to Rūmī’s first successor Ḥusām al-dīn Chalabī, d. 1284, حسام الدین چلبی. When he passed away, Farīdūn Sipahsālār continued to be part of Rūmī's followers under the leadership of Sulṭān Valad, 1226-1312. The date of his death is not clear. Some suggest the year 712 AH [1312 CE](see (Şimşekler, Nuri. "SİPEHSÂLÂR, Ferîdun." Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. , [n.d.].)) while others like Seyyid Sahih Ahmed Dede, 1742-1813 proposes 706 AH [1306 CE] ( (Dede, Sahih Ahmed. Mevlevîlerin Tarihi. Istanbul: 2003.)), Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı claims he died between 683-712 [1284-1312 CE](see (Gölpınarlı, Abdülbâki. Mevlânâ’dan Sonra Mevlevîlik. İstanbul: 1983., pp. 14-15)) and Franklin Lewis says that he died some time after 1295 [1295 CE], with some venturing to suggest that he died 50 years after Rūmī in circa 1320 [1315-1330 CE] ( (Lewis, Franklin. Rumi: past and present, east and west : the life, teaching and poetry of Jalâl al-Din Rumi. Oxford and Boston: Oneworld, 2000., pp. 243).). His grave was placed next to that of Bahāʼ al-Dīn Valad, 1150-1231
(Dede, Sahih Ahmed. Mevlevîlerin Tarihi. Istanbul: 2003., pp. 148)
(Şimşekler, Nuri. "SİPEHSÂLÂR, Ferîdun." Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. , [n.d.].)
(Dede, Sahih Ahmed. Mevlevîlerin Tarihi. Istanbul: 2003.)
(Gölpınarlı, Abdülbâki. Mevlânâ’dan Sonra Mevlevîlik. İstanbul: 1983., pp. 14-15)
(Lewis, Franklin. Rumi: past and present, east and west : the life, teaching and poetry of Jalâl al-Din Rumi. Oxford and Boston: Oneworld, 2000., pp. 243)
Show variants
  • Sipehsâlâr, Ferîdun
  • سپهسالار، فريدون بن احمد
Manuscripts by this author
Risālah-ʼi Sipahsālār
This work is considered among the first hagiographic works containing the episodes in the life of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī. Show more
between 1274-1320 Konya
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