Bahāʾüddīn b. ʿAbdurraḥmān el-Maʿlḳaravī (d. after 827/1424)

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Bahāʾüddīn b. ʿAbdurraḥmān el-Maʿlḳaravī (d. after 827/1424)
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Manuscripts by this author
Al-Muʿashsharāt al-siḥriyyah fī al-abyāt al-fikriyyah
Composed in 812 in Edirne in the name of Süleymān Çelebi (d. 813/1411), al-Muʿaṣṣarāt al-siḥriyyah is an Arabic to Persian dictionary.
Tāj al-manāẓim wa-al-muḥammadiyyah
Composed in the year 800 for a person named Meḥmed b. Ḥacı Baḫşı el-Kütahyevī, this work is an Arabic to Turkish verse dictionary in one volume in which the explanations are made in Persian.
Uʿjūbat al-ġarāʾib fī naẓm al-jawāhir al-ʿajāʾib
A verse dictionary in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish completed in 827 in Ayaslug near Izmir. Maʿlḳaravī wrote the work for his two sons Meḥmed and Aḥmed to learn Arabic and Persian by way of memorization. The work consists of 436 couplets. It begins with an introduction in Arabic which also includes some Turkish verses. The majority of the work contains dictionary items which are Arabic to Turkish.
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