Vefa, Şeyh, -1490

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Identifier (lccn)
nr 99020923
Vefa, Şeyh, -1490
Show variants
  • Ebülvefa, -1490
  • İbnülvefa, -1490
  • Muslihiddin Mustafa, -1490
  • Muslihüddin, -1490
  • Şheyh Vefa, -1490
  • Vefa, Şeyh, d. 1490
  • شيخ وفاء
Manuscripts by this author
A book on morals translated from the Persian Show more
Şeyh Vefa, to whom the Rūznamah (روزنامه) is commonly asoribed, was a celebrated saint who lived in the time of Mehmed II, Sultan of the Turks, 1432-1481 and Bayezid II, Sultan of the Turks, 1447 or 8-1512, and died 896. The date of his death is fixed in another copy of the calendar (
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