Ulugh Beg, 1394-1449
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- Identifier (lccn)
- n 84134433
- Identifier (lccn)
- n 96017174
- Heading
- Ulugh Beg, 1394-1449
Show variants
- Ulugbek, 1394-1449
- Ulugh Beg ibn Shāhrukh, Mīrzā, 1394-1449
- Ulugh Beg Mahommed ben Shah Rok, Mirza, 1394-1449
- Uluḡ Beg, Mehmet Turgay, 1394-1449
- Ulugh Beigh, 1394-1449
- Oloug-Beg, 1394-1449
- Ulug Beigius, 1394-1449
- Ulughbek, 1394-1449
- Ulugbek, Mukhammad Taragaĭ, 1394-1449
- Ulughbek, Mirzo, 1394-1449
- Mirzo Ulughbek, 1394-1449
- UluğBay, 1394-1449
ألوغ بك
ألوغ بيك
الغ بيك
الغ بگ
- Manuscripts by this author
- Zīj al-sulṭānī
- The astronomical tables of Mīrzā
Ulugh Beg Show more
- The observations embodied in the tables were commenced, as the author states in
the preface, by his master, the Bursa
(Turkey) born Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn
Mūsā, called also Qāz̤īʹzādah
Rūmī and by Ghiyāth al-Dīn
Jamshīd. The latter, however, having died in the early stage of the
work, and the former before its conclusion, it was carried on and completed with the
assistance of a youthful astronomer, ‘Ali b. Muḥammad Ḳushjī,
d. 1474 or 5 (Ali Kuşcu). This
Kuşcu settled in Istanbul after the conquest of the city by Mehmed II, 1432-1481