Ulugh Beg, 1394-1449

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Identifier (lccn)
n 84134433
Identifier (lccn)
n 96017174
Ulugh Beg, 1394-1449
Show variants
  • Ulugbek, 1394-1449
  • Ulugh Beg ibn Shāhrukh, Mīrzā, 1394-1449
  • Ulugh Beg Mahommed ben Shah Rok, Mirza, 1394-1449
  • Uluḡ Beg, Mehmet Turgay, 1394-1449
  • Ulugh Beigh, 1394-1449
  • Oloug-Beg, 1394-1449
  • Ulug Beigius, 1394-1449
  • Ulughbek, 1394-1449
  • Ulugbek, Mukhammad Taragaĭ, 1394-1449
  • Ulughbek, Mirzo, 1394-1449
  • Mirzo Ulughbek, 1394-1449
  • UluğBay, 1394-1449
  • ألوغ بك
  • ألوغ بيك
  • الغ بيك
  • الغ بگ
Manuscripts by this author
Zīj al-sulṭānī
The astronomical tables of Mīrzā Ulugh Beg Show more
The observations embodied in the tables were commenced, as the author states in the preface, by his master, the Bursa (Turkey) born Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Mūsā, called also Qāz̤īʹzādah Rūmī and by Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd. The latter, however, having died in the early stage of the work, and the former before its conclusion, it was carried on and completed with the assistance of a youthful astronomer, ‘Ali b. Muḥammad Ḳushjī, d. 1474 or 5 (Ali Kuşcu). This Kuşcu settled in Istanbul after the conquest of the city by Mehmed II, 1432-1481
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