Qudsī, ʻAbd al-Laṭīf ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān, 1384-1452

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n 2012024569
Qudsī, ʻAbd al-Laṭīf ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān, 1384-1452
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  • Abdüllatîf Kudsî, 1384-1452
  • Kudsî, Abdüllatîf, 1384-1452
  • قدسي،عبد اللطيف
  • عبد اللطيف القدسي
Manuscripts by this author
Al-Durr al-yatīm fī ḥall al-ʿiqd al-naẓīm
A commentary on al-Qudsī’s al-ʿIqd, which also includes poetry in praise of Zayn al-Dīn Ḥāfī
Al-wasīlah li-ghalat muzīlah
A work on Sufi concepts and esoteric sciences, composed in 849, possibly in Damascus.
A book of verse which al-Qudsī wrote to motivate his son for language learning.
Hādī al-qulūb ilā liqāʾ al-maḥbūb
A work in two parts which treats topics of theology and Sufism. The first part focuses on articles of faith (ʿaqāʾid), including matters regarding afterlife. The second part focuses on the spiritual director and the disciple.
Kashf al-iʿtiqād fī al-radd ʿalā madhhab al-ilḥād
Al-Qudsī’s most voluminous work, it is a rebuttal of false religious schools and paths. Al-Qudsī puts particular focus on the what he terms as the ḥulūliyyah, ibāḥiyyah, and malāmiyyah. He details his personal experiences with the ibāḥiyyah and the ḥurūfiyyah whilst in Konya.
Kitāb amr bi-al-maʿrūf wa-al-nahy ʿan-al-munkar
A short treatise on the concept of revelation, focusing on the Qur’an and hadith.
Muqtaṣar al-muḥtāj ʿalā muḫtaṣar al-minhāj
An abridgment of the Minhāj al-ʿābidīn attributed to al-Ghazālī.
Shifāʾ al-mutaʾallim fī ādāb al-muʿallim wa-al-mutaʿallim
A work in three parts on the teacher-student relationship, the sciences and their classification. The first part focuses on the qualities a student must have; the second part focuses on those of the teacher; the third part concentrates on the sciences, their virtues and benefits. The work also includes a conclusion which centers on the Qur’anic episode of Khidr and Moses. The entire work relies heavily on al-Ghazālī’s Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn. It was composed in 854 in Konya.
Tuḥfat al-wāhib al-mawāhib fī bayān maqāmāt wa-al-marātib
A work on the Sufi journey, stations and concepts, with a focus on union with God. Completed in 833, it is probably one of al-Qudsī’s first works, to which he frequently refers in his other works. The author’s copy is located at the Istanbul University Library.
Ḥall al-rumūz wa mafātīḥ al-kunūz
A treatise on Sufism.
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