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Berlin Staatsbibliothek
Turkish Manuscripts Diez_A_oct


Work 1: Poetry (Şeyyad Hamza, active 13th century)
LOC subject headings
Turkish language To 1500
Ghazals, Turkish
Islamic ethics (Early works to 1800)
Islamic poetry, Turkish
Sufi poetry, Turkish
Sufism (Early works to 1800)
Şeyyad Hamza, active 13th century
شياد ﺣﻤﺰﻩ
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Şeyyād Ḥamza (d. after 749/1348-9)
Şeyyad Hamza, active 13th century (authorised)
Hamza, Şeyyad, active 13th century (variant)
Khamza, Sheĭĭad, active 13th century (variant)
Şeyyad Hamza, 13th cent (variant)
Şeyyat Hamza, active 13th century (variant)
Shayyad Hamza, active 13th century (variant)
Sheĭĭad Khamza, active 13th century (variant)
Biographical notes
14th century [1300-1399 CE] Sufi poet. Not much is known about Şeyyād Ḥamza’s life. A tombstone in Akşehir probably belonging to his daughter Aṣlı Ḫātūn gives the date of 749 AH [1348 CE], which is also the date of composition of Şeyyād Ḥamza’s elegy. Some of the phrases in the poet’s Vefāt-ı Ḥażret-i İbrāhīm indicate that he may have also lost a son. Şeyyād Ḥamza probably lived in the region of Akşehir. The title of “şeyyād” in his name refers to a storyteller or performer of poetry. Ḥamza’s poetry indicates that he knew Arabic and Persian. His Mevlevī affiliation is evidenced by his reference to Sulṭān Valad at the end of his Aḥvāl-i Ḳıyāmet. In his poetry Şeyyād Ḥamza treats religious and Sufi topics, with a particular focus on the concept of death. His poetry displays his love for the Prophet and his criticism of current political figures. The earliest known example to the folk poetry genre of māni, located in Lāmiʿī’s Leṭāʾif, occurs in the context of an anecdote of a sexual nature involving Şeyyād Ḥamza and his disciples. The same work also includes a second anecdote which takes place between Naṣreddīn Ḫoca and Şeyyād Ḥamza, who is portrayed as a Sufi pretending to frequenty undertake spiritual ascension.
Şeyyād Ḥamza has 16 known extant poems.
Main language of text
183b-185a ff.
Adamović, Milan. "Ein Weiteres Gedicht von Şeyyād Ḥamza." Materialia Turcica. , no. 17 1996: 87-102. (Translation: “Şeyyad Hamza’nın Yeni Bir Şiiri.” Translated by Aziz Merhan. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 14 (2006): 157-171)
Akar, Metin. "Şeyyad Hamza Hakkında Yeni Bilgiler." Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi. , no. 2 1986: 1-22.
Buluç, Sadettin. "Şeyyâd Hamza’nın Beş Manzumesi." Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. , no. 7/1-2 1956: 1-16.
Buluç, Sadettin. "Şeyyâd Hamza’nın Lirik Bir Şiiri." Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. , no. XII/1-2 1962: 139-142.
Köprülü, M. Fuad. "Anatolische Dichter in der Seldschukenzeit, I. Sejjāt Hamza." Kőrösi-Csoma Archivum. , no. I/3 1922: 183-189. (Translation: Köprülü, M. Fuad. “Selçûkîler Devrinde Anadolu Şâirleri 1. Şeyyad Hamza,” Türk Yurdu I (1340/1924): 27-33)
Mansuroğlu, Mecdut. "Eski Anadolu Türkçesine Ait Bazı Metinler." İstanbul Mecmuası. , no. 39 1945.
Mansuroğlu, Mecdut. "Anadolu Türkçesi (XIII. asır). Şeyyad Hamza’ya Ait Üç Manzume." Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. , no. I 1946: 180-195.
Drei Gedichte Şayyād Ḥamza’stextmagazineArticleMansuroğluMecdutautperiodicalXXVI78791954continuingUral-altaische JahrbücherMansuroglu_Hamza_1954
Mansuroğlu, Mecdut. "Şeyyad Hamza’nın Doğu Türkçesine Yaklaşan Manzumesi." TDAY-Belleten. 1956: 125-144.
Mansuroğlu, Mecdut. "Şeyyad Hamza’nın Beş Manzumesi." Oriens. 1, no. 10 1957: 48-70.
Mansuroğlu, Mecdut. "Şeyyad Hamza’nın Üç Manzumesinin Tıpkı Basımı." Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. , no. VII 1956: 108-114.
Onan, Necmeddin Halil. "Şeyyat Hamza’nın İki Yeni Gazeli Dolayısiyle." Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi. , no. 7 1949: 529-534.
Tavukçu, Orhan Kemal. "Şeyyâd Hamza’nın Bilinmeyen Bir Şiiri Münasebetiyle." The International Journal of Central Asian Studies. 1, no. 10 2005: 181-195.
Burrill, Kathleen. "Sheyyād Ḥamza." Encyclopedia of Islam Second Edition. 9 1997: 419, 420-419, 420.
Köprülü, M. Fuad. "Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi." İstanbul: Ötüken, 1980, 262-263.
Leiser, Gary. "Shayyād." Encyclopedia of Islam Second Edition. 9 1997: 409-410.
Tavukçu, Orhan Kemal. "Berlin Kraliyet Kütüphanesi’ndeki Yazma Bir Mecmuaya Dâir." Yedi İklim. , no. 48 1994: 68-69.
Tavukçu, Orhan Kemal. "Şeyyad Hamza." TDVİA. 39 2010: 104-105.
Uzluk, Feridun Nafiz. "Şeyyad Sözü Hakkında Araştırma." Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi. , no. VII/4 1949: 588-592.
Çıpan, Mustafa. "Şeyyâd Hamza'nın hayatı, edebî şahsiyeti, kasidesinin incelenmesi ve on ikinci beytinin şerhi." Yeni İpek Yolu Konya Ticaret Odası Dergisi. , no. Konya Özel Sayısı 1 1998: 351-60.
Show filiations
Bayezıt Devlet Kütüphanesi 5782
Bibliothèque Nationale de France 361
Ankara Milli Kütüphane A3772
Bursa İnebey Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi 882

Physical Description

Number of folios
197 ff.


Date of copy
15th. century
WordPress theme: Kippis 1.15