Database of medieval Anatolian texts and manuscripts in Arabic, Persian and Turkish Current filters Query: Edirne (Turkey) (Places in author notes) Remove No further filtering possible Results There were 8 results matching your query. Displaying all of them. Ahmet Bican active 15th century Hacı Bayram Veli -1429 Ahmet Paşa -1497 Elvân-ı Şirâzî active 15th century Yusuf-i Hakîkî -1487 Kemâl Ümmî -1475 Yazıcıoğlu Mehmet -1451 Mahmûd bin Kādı̂-i Manyâs active 15th century Search Query In All work fields Work titles Authors Work notes Manuscript classmarks People Places Sort Relevance Titles Classmark Descending Ascending Results 10 hits per page 20 hits per page 50 hits per page 100 hits per page Browse worksTips on searching the database