Ilyās b. Aḥmad al-Qayṣarī ma‘rūf bi-Ibn Kamāl al-nāẓir Start new search. Identifier (local) ayy:914 Heading Ilyās b. Aḥmad al-Qayṣarī ma‘rūf bi-Ibn Kamāl al-nāẓir Show variants الياس بن احمد القيصري المعروف بابن كمال الناظر Manuscripts by this author Kashf al-‘aqaba The text deals with the heavens, the existence of heaven and hell, and ‘speaking souls’ (nufūs-i nāṭiqa). Place of composition is possibly Kayseri. Show more an unidentified ruler described as ṣaḥib-qirān-i ‘ālam. Bayram has suggested this was a Danishmendid ruler, on the basis of the connection with Kayseri, but this seems unproven. TK_Sul_Fatih_5426