Jandī, Muʼayyid al-Dīn

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Identifier (lccn)
nr 93005408
Jandī, Muʼayyid al-Dīn
Show variants
  • Jindī, Muʼayyid al-Dīn
  • Jundī, Muʼayyid al-Dīn
  • جندى ، مؤيد الدين
  • جندي، مؤيد الدين
  • مؤيد الدين الجندى
Manuscripts by this author
Al-Qaṣīda al-Lāmiyya
This work is not mentioned by Uludağ. The work exists in several variants: a purely Arabic version; a version with a Persian verse translation. Show more
Date of composition is Shawwal 691, given in MS, Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi, Şehid Ali Paşa, n. 2735 , on fol. 185v.
Place of composition is probably Tabriz, but not stated.
Sahib-Divan Aḥmad b. ‘Abd al-Razzāq al-Khālidi (the Ilkhanid minister otherwise known as Sadr-i Jahan).
Dhayl al-Qasida al-Lamiyya
Although the introduction to the work in both mss describes it as such, and it in both it immediately follows the qasida, it is a wholly distinct work, written for the benefit of kings, sultans and viziers who were unable to follow fully the Sufi way. Show more
Date of composition is Shawwal 691.
Khulasat al-irshad wa irshad al-khulasa
Referred to in conclusion of Dhayl al-Qasida al-Lamiyya Show more
Lost works known through references in the Nafḥat al-Rūḥ and the Dhayl al-Qasida al-Lamiyya
Kitab al-Asma’
Lost works known through references in the Nafḥat al-Rūḥ and the Dhayl al-Qasida al-Lamiyya
Nafḥat al-Rūḥ wa Tuḥfat al-Futūḥ
Date of composition is not before 673, not after 704 Show more
Place of composition is unknown, perhaps Sinop .
Written for a female member of the ruling house in Sinop , the descendant of a certain Zayn al-Din, perhaps a member of the Pervaneid or Çobanid dynasties.
Sharḥ Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam
A commentary of Ibn ʿArabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam (فصوص الحكم). Show more
Date of composition 704 (Source:Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi, Laleli, n. 1417)
Place of composition is Tabriz .
Sharḥ Mawāqi‘ al-Nujūm
a commentary on Ibn al-ʿArabī’s work Mawāqi‘ al-Nujūm. in 673/1274 Show more
Date of composition is Shawwal 673
Place of Composion: Baghdad.
Lost works known through references in the Nafḥat al-Rūḥ and the Dhayl al-Qasida al-Lamiyya
Sharḥ al-Qasida al-Lamiyya
‘Ulum-i Aḥādī
Lost works known through references in the Nafḥat al-Rūḥ and the Dhayl al-Qasida al-Lamiyya
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