Dī vā n
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- Turkey
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- Hacı Selim Ağa Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi
- Shelfmark
- 925
- Dī vā n (Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī , Abū al-Faz̤ l Ṭ ā hir ibn Muḥ ammad, -1201 or 1202)
- Author
- Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī , Abū al-Faz̤ l Ṭ ā hir ibn Muḥ ammad, -1201 or 1202
- ظهير فاريابى، ابو الفضل طاهر بن محمد
- Show other names
- Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bi
- Ẓahīr Fāryābī, Abū al-Faz̤l Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad, -1201 or 1202 (authorised)
- Fāryābī, Abū al-Faz̤l Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad, -1201 or 1202 (variant)
- Fāryābī, Ẓahīr al-Dīn, -1201 or 1202 (variant)
- Ẓahīr Fāryābī, Abū al-Faz̤l Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad, d. 1201 or 2 (variant)
- ابوالفضل ظهير فاريابى محمد ابن طهير (variant)
- ظهير فاريابى، ابو الفضل طاهر بن محمد (variant)
- ظهير فاريابى، ابو الفضل طاهر بن محمد،, -1201 or 1202 (variant)
- ظهير فاريابى، ابوالفضل طاهر بن محمد (variant)
- Biographical notes
- A court poet of Iranian origin born in the Khurasani city of Fāryāb (modern Dawlatā bā d in 550 [1156 CE]. He travelled extensively in Iran to serve different royal patrons such as ʿAḍud al-Dīn Ṭughānshāh (local ruler of Nī shā pū r (Iran)). After spending some years in Iṣ fahā n (Iran), we know that in 585 [1190 CE] he arrived in Mā zandarā n (Iran) to serve at the court of the ruler of the Bāwandid dynasty called Ḥusām al-Dīn Ardashīr b. Ḥasan. Later, he travelled west to be under the patronage of the Eldigüzid Atabegs of North-western Iran that ruled over The Caucasus and Azerbaijan in the Second half of the 13th century [1250-1299 CE] and into the 13th century [1200-1299 CE]. He dedicated qaṣīdas to Muẓaffar al-Dīn Qizil Arslān, r. 1186-91 and Nuṣrat al-Dīn Abū Bakr, 1195-1211 and a poem of his is addressed to Rukn al-Dīn Ṭoghril III, r. 1176-94, last Sultan of the Great Seljuqs. At the end of the 13th century [1250-1299 CE], he left his courtly life and retired in Tabriz for a life dedicated solely to spiritual devotion. He died in that city in Rabīʿ I 598 [1201 CE]. His poems have been compiled by Shams-i Sujāsī, d. 1205-6 into a Dīvān that circulated in Iran and Anatolia from the 13th century onwards [1200-1299 CE] ( (De Blois, Francois. Persian Literature - A Bio-Bibliographical Survey: Poetry of the Pre-Mongol Period. London: Routledge, 2004., pp. 461)). The majority of his poems are qaṣīdas and muqaṭṭaʿāt but also two tarjī‘-bands and a number of ghazals have survived to our days (see (de Bruijn, J.T.P.. "FĀRYĀBĪ, ẒAHĪR-AL-DĪN ABU’L-FAŻL ṬĀHER." Encyclopaedia Iranica. IX, [n.d.]: 382-383.)). Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī was contemporary to the famous poets Awḥ ad al-Dī n Anvarī, d. 1189-90 and Afz̤ al al-Dī n Shirvā nī Khā qā nī , approximately 1126-1198 or 1199, writing all three in a similar panegyrics style. The comparison between the poems of Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī and his contemporaries became a constant both in pre-modern and modern times (See for example 412-14). One of his poems, dedicated to Rukn al-Dīn Sulaymān Shāh, Sultan of Rūm, r. 1196–1204, رکن الدین سلیمان شاه, appears in the history of Ibn Bībī al-Avā mir al-ʻalā ʼī yah fī al-umū r al-ʻalā ʼī yah (see (Ibn Bībī, Nāṣir ad-Dīn Ḥusayn Ibn Muḥammad. al-Awāmir al-'alā'iyya fi l-umūr al-'alā'iyya ma'rūf bih Tārīkh-i Ibn Bībī. Edited by Zhāla, Muttaḥidīn. Pazhūhishgāh-i 'ulūm-i insānī va muṭāla'āt-i farhangī, 1390 [2011]., pp. 60-3)). According to the Anatolian historian, the sultan paid two thousands dinars and sent ten horses and other presents from Anatolia to the poet residence in Western Iran as a sign of gratitude for the qaṣīda sent by Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī .
- Title
- Dī vā n
- دیوان
- Notes
- A work containing the poems of Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī .
- Main language of text
- Persian
- Bibliography
- Editions
- Fāryābī, Ẓahīr. Abū al-Faz̤l Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad, Dīvān-i Ẓahīr al-Dīn Fāryābī. Edited by Shīrāzī, Aḥmad. Tehran: Kitābfurūshī Fūrūghī, 1982.
- Studies
- Browne, E. G.. The Literary History of Persia. London: T.F. Unwin, 1906.
- De Blois, Francois. Persian Literature - A Bio-Bibliographical Survey: Poetry of the Pre-Mongol Period. London: Routledge, 2004.
- Huart, Cl and J.T.P. de Bruijn. "Ẓahīr-i Fāryābī." Encyclopaedia of Islam. Available at Brill Online, , [n.d.].
- Khan, G. M.. "Diwan i Zahir and Its Authorship." Sind University Research Journal. 1961: 1-4.
- de Bruijn, J.T.P.. "FĀRYĀBĪ, ẒAHĪR-AL-DĪN ABU’L-FAŻL ṬĀHER." Encyclopaedia Iranica. IX, [n.d.]: 382-383.
- Show filiations
- Ankara Milli Kütüphane 2819
- Süleymaniye Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi 2655
- Süleymaniye Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi 3945
- Nuruosmaniye Yazma Eser KÜtüphanesi 4190
- Süleymaniye Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi 3842
- Süleymaniye Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi 157
- Süleymaniye Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi 462
- Süleymaniye Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi 669
Physical Description
- Seal
- Seal of Haci Selim Aga d. 1203AH
- Date of copy
- possibly 15th. century