qaṣ ī dah

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Fatih Millet Kütüphanesi
Ali Emiri Farsça


qaṣ ī dah (Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī , Abū al-Faz̤ l Ṭ ā hir ibn Muḥ ammad, -1201 or 1202)
Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī , Abū al-Faz̤ l Ṭ ā hir ibn Muḥ ammad, -1201 or 1202
ظهير فاريابى، ابو الفضل طاهر بن محمد
Show other names
Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bi
Ẓahīr Fāryābī, Abū al-Faz̤l Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad, -1201 or 1202 (authorised)
Fāryābī, Abū al-Faz̤l Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad, -1201 or 1202 (variant)
Fāryābī, Ẓahīr al-Dīn, -1201 or 1202 (variant)
Ẓahīr Fāryābī, Abū al-Faz̤l Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad, d. 1201 or 2 (variant)
ابوالفضل ظهير فاريابى محمد ابن طهير (variant)
ظهير فاريابى، ابو الفضل طاهر بن محمد (variant)
ظهير فاريابى، ابو الفضل طاهر بن محمد،, -1201 or 1202 (variant)
ظهير فاريابى، ابوالفضل طاهر بن محمد (variant)
Biographical notes
A court poet of Iranian origin born in the Khurasani city of Fāryāb (modern Dawlatā bā d in 550 [1156 CE]. He travelled extensively in Iran to serve different royal patrons such as ʿAḍud al-Dīn Ṭughānshāh (local ruler of Nī shā pū r (Iran)). After spending some years in Iṣ fahā n (Iran), we know that in 585 [1190 CE] he arrived in Mā zandarā n (Iran) to serve at the court of the ruler of the Bāwandid dynasty called Ḥusām al-Dīn Ardashīr b. Ḥasan. Later, he travelled west to be under the patronage of the Eldigüzid Atabegs of North-western Iran that ruled over The Caucasus and Azerbaijan in the Second half of the 13th century [1250-1299 CE] and into the 13th century [1200-1299 CE]. He dedicated qaṣīdas to Muẓaffar al-Dīn Qizil Arslān, r. 1186-91 and Nuṣrat al-Dīn Abū Bakr, 1195-1211 and a poem of his is addressed to Rukn al-Dīn Ṭoghril III, r. 1176-94, last Sultan of the Great Seljuqs. At the end of the 13th century [1250-1299 CE], he left his courtly life and retired in Tabriz for a life dedicated solely to spiritual devotion. He died in that city in Rabīʿ I 598 [1201 CE]. His poems have been compiled by Shams-i Sujāsī, d. 1205-6 into a Dīvān that circulated in Iran and Anatolia from the 13th century onwards [1200-1299 CE] ( (De Blois, Francois. Persian Literature - A Bio-Bibliographical Survey: Poetry of the Pre-Mongol Period. London: Routledge, 2004., pp. 461)). The majority of his poems are qaṣīdas and muqaṭṭaʿāt but also two tarjī‘-bands and a number of ghazals have survived to our days (see (de Bruijn, J.T.P.. "FĀRYĀBĪ, ẒAHĪR-AL-DĪN ABU’L-FAŻL ṬĀHER." Encyclopaedia Iranica. IX, [n.d.]: 382-383.)). Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī was contemporary to the famous poets Awḥ ad al-Dī n Anvarī, d. 1189-90 and Afz̤ al al-Dī n Shirvā nī Khā qā nī , approximately 1126-1198 or 1199, writing all three in a similar panegyrics style. The comparison between the poems of Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī and his contemporaries became a constant both in pre-modern and modern times (See for example 412-14). One of his poems, dedicated to Rukn al-Dīn Sulaymān Shāh, Sultan of Rūm, r. 1196–1204, رکن الدین سلیمان شاه, appears in the history of  Ibn Bībī al-Avā mir al-ʻalā ʼī yah fī al-umū r al-ʻalā ʼī yah (see (Ibn Bībī, Nāṣir ad-Dīn Ḥusayn Ibn Muḥammad. al-Awāmir al-'alā'iyya fi l-umūr al-'alā'iyya ma'rūf bih Tārīkh-i Ibn Bībī. Edited by Zhāla, Muttaḥidīn. Pazhūhishgāh-i 'ulūm-i insānī va muṭāla'āt-i farhangī, 1390 [2011]., pp. 60-3)). According to the Anatolian historian, the sultan paid two thousands dinars and sent ten horses and other presents from Anatolia to the poet residence in Western Iran as a sign of gratitude for the qaṣīda sent by Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī .
qaṣ ī dah
A poem by Ẓ ahī r Fā ryā bī .
Main language of text
Fāryābī, Ẓahīr. Abū al-Faz̤l Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad, Dīvān-i Ẓahīr al-Dīn Fāryābī. Edited by Shīrāzī, Aḥmad. Tehran: Kitābfurūshī Fūrūghī, 1982.
Browne, E. G.. The Literary History of Persia. London: T.F. Unwin, 1906.
De Blois, Francois. Persian Literature - A Bio-Bibliographical Survey: Poetry of the Pre-Mongol Period. London: Routledge, 2004.
Huart, Cl and J.T.P. de Bruijn. "Ẓahīr-i Fāryābī." Encyclopaedia of Islam. Available at Brill Online, , [n.d.].
Khan, G. M.. "Diwan i Zahir and Its Authorship." Sind University Research Journal. 1961: 1-4.
de Bruijn, J.T.P.. "FĀRYĀBĪ, ẒAHĪR-AL-DĪN ABU’L-FAŻL ṬĀHER." Encyclopaedia Iranica. IX, [n.d.]: 382-383.
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Nuruosmaniye Yazma Eser KÜtüphanesi 4959
Nuruosmaniye Yazma Eser KÜtüphanesi 4964
Süleymaniye Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi 2790

Physical Description

Number of folios
97 ff.
Ruled lines


Date of copy
20th. century
WordPress theme: Kippis 1.15